VistaDB 6
VistaDB / Getting Started / NuGet Packages for VistaDB
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    NuGet Packages for VistaDB
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    The various libraries your application needs to use VistaDB are all available as NuGet Packages installed on your computer with VistaDB.  This makes it easier to manage library dependencies, have consistent versions, and makes it easier to build on computers that do not have VistaDB installed. 

    Using VistaDB Packages Locally

    During installation, the VistaDB package source is created on your local computer and points to:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Gibraltar Software\VistaDB 6\Packages

    This package source is then listed in the package sources list of Visual Studio 2015 and later as "VistaDB 6".

    If you don't see the VistaDB packages in the NuGet Package Manager, check that you have selected the All or VistaDB 6 source in the upper right selection area. 

    Using VistaDB Packages with a Build Server

    To make it easier to reliably build your application on your build server we recommend copying the VistaDB packages to a private NuGet server that your build server has access to.  Your CI/CD environment likely already includes some ability to host a basic NuGet feed using whatever system it has for saving build assets.

    If you don't have access to a NuGet server you can simply use a folder in a known location - which could be part of your source code repository, on a network share, or even locally on the build server itself.  This means at worst you can use the same technique you previously used with third party assemblies, just substituting the NuGet packages for the assemblies.

    Do Not Publish Packages to a Public Feed:  These packages are licensed to you and should not be shared to anyone not covered by your VistaDB site license.  Do not publish the packages to any location that is Internet accessible without credentials.
    See Also