| Interface | Description |
| IVistaDBAssemblyCollection | The list of assemblies registered in database |
| IVistaDBAssemblyInformation | The information about assembly registered in database |
| IVistaDBClrProcedureCollection | The Collection of Clr Procedures |
| IVistaDBClrProcedureInformation | Meta-information about CLR Proc |
| IVistaDBClrTriggerCollection | The list of Clr Triggers loaded in current database |
| IVistaDBClrTriggerInformation | CLR Trigger description |
| IVistaDBColumn | Represents a column-based data value or a column placeholder in an IVistaDBRow. |
| IVistaDBColumnAttributes | Represents the attributes on a particular column such as in an IVistaDBTableSchema. (Also includes members from IVistaDBColumn and IVistaDBValue.) |
| IVistaDBColumnAttributesDifference | Helper interface to investigate difference between column attributes in details. |
| IVistaDBConnection | Connection settings supported by local and DDA connections. |
| IVistaDBConstraintCollection | Collection of constraints |
| IVistaDBConstraintInformation | Script expression constraint |
| IVistaDBDatabase | The VistaDB Database including common database settings and operations |
| IVistaDBDatabaseObject | General information about database object |
| IVistaDBDDA | DDA connection |
| IVistaDBDDAEventDelegate | The user's defined event handler to raise by event |
| IVistaDBDefaultValueCollection | The collection of column default value information |
| IVistaDBDefaultValueInformation | Default value expression assigned to a column |
| IVistaDBIdentityCollection | Collection of identities |
| IVistaDBIdentityInformation | Identity assigned to the column |
| IVistaDBIndexCollection | List of table's indexes |
| IVistaDBIndexInformation | Set of index flags and attributes |
| IVistaDBKeyColumn | Meta information about column participating an index key |
| IVistaDBKeyedCollection<TKey,TValue> | IVistaDBKeyedCollection is an interface for objects lists returned by the engine for things like Relationships, tables, etc. The interface allows the user to read from the list, but not modify it. The collections themselves were always intended to be readonly. |
| IVistaDBOperationCallbackStatus | Information messages passed by the engine during time consuming operations like pack and repair. |
| IVistaDBPipe | The user-defined data channel to accept data issued by CLR Proc or CLR Trigger working with DDA |
| IVistaDBRelationshipCollection | Collection of relationships. |
| IVistaDBRelationshipInformation | The Relationship entry from an IVistaDBRelationshipCollection. This entry contains the actual values for the relationship. |
| IVistaDBRow | Interface to a VistaDBRow object |
| IVistaDBTable | DDA table public interface. Inherits IVistaDBQueryResult interface and extends it's functionality |
| IVistaDBTableNameCollection | List of Tables in the current connection as a strongly typed list. This is faster for use in Foreach loops than the ArrayList version. |
| IVistaDBTableSchema | Table schema for usage in creation or altering of an IVistaDBTable. |